Monday, August 31, 2009

Little Kid's Carnival

Sal's little cousin Annie (age 4) came up to me out of the blue one day and said, " Aunt Jenny I want to do a fumraiser for Sal." (I didn't misspell fundraiser that's what she called it.) I couldn't decide if I wanted to laugh or cry. I thought to myself, how in the world does a 4 year old come up with a fundraiser. Do we talk about Sal's Pals so much that our kids have it embedded in their brains? Annie answered that question for me, "Aunt Jenny, I don't want Sal to be sick anymore so you can take the money and give it to his doctor so he doesn't have CF."
I picked little Annie up and squeezed her tightly. You see Annie gets it. For years I would get so frustrated with others. I would see all of my family and friends or even strangers whom I'd never met trying to make a difference in the lives of those with CF. Yet some people closest to the disease do nothing. I had a CF mom come up to me at an event once and said, "My son has had CF for 32 years and I have never once thought about raising money for others with CF." I almost fell over. I wasn't even sure how to respond. Then I politely said, "I couldn't live with myself if anything ever happened to Sal and we didn't do everything in our power to help him." I notice the woman had tears in her eyes and she just said, "thank-you".
That's what this is all about - people helping people. Even the littlest of people can inspire others! Thanks Annie!

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