Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year's Wristband

This year one of my New Year's resolutions is to make sure that I update this blog every 10 days. We will see how I do! During this holiday season I felt extremely blessed. We continue to be blessed with the most amazing friends and family. Recently, we were out with some friends and I couldn't help but notice that everyone sitting with us had on an orange "Fight CF" bracelet. The bracelets are extremely hard to miss, not to mention extremely hard to match with an outfit! Yet everyone had their bright orange bracelet on. The wristbands are meant to show your support for a cause and help create awareness.  Each time I see someone wearing the CF bracelet it means that someone else thought about CF that day. Someone that doesn't necessarily have to, but they do it because they care. I did not mention that I noticed everyone sporting the wristband, but the fact that they wear their bracelets so proudly means the world to me.  So in honor of the "Spirit of the Wristbands" we will have a column on our blog site that will show you where Sal's Pals is now. Rick's cousin Dave has been traveling around the country with his wristband taking pictures at his different destinations. Dave thought it would be a great idea to post the pictures of where the wristband has been. So if you are somewhere and your sportin' your wristband, hold it up high, snap a photo and send it on to me!

1 comment:

JRGoblue1 said...

One of my most unique moments in life happened because of the wrist band. As a result we have a life long friend (Drew Tate), a better understanding of CF and UPS has a great supervisor (don't tell Drew).